The Alley Of The Kiss

 ¿Qué ver en The alley of the kiss, Guanajuato?

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The Alley of the Kiss is a well-known attraction located in the city of Guanajuato, Mexico. It is a narrow alleyway that gained its name from a romantic legend that tells the story of two lovers who would meet in secret and kiss on their balconies over the alley.

There is no admission fee to visit the Alley of the Kiss, as it is a public space open to all visitors. It is accessible at all times, but it is especially recommended to visit during the evening when the alley is beautifully lit up.

In addition to visiting the Alley of the Kiss, there are several other attractions to see in Guanajuato. Some popular options include the Juarez Theater, the Diego Rivera Museum and Home, and the Museum of the Mummies.

The Juarez Theater is a beautiful neoclassical building that hosts various cultural events throughout the year. The Diego Rivera Museum and Home is the former residence of the famous artist and features many of his works. The Museum of the Mummies displays the naturally mummified remains of people who were buried in the local cemetery during a cholera outbreak in the 19th century.

Prices and official website information for these attractions vary, so it is best to check their individual websites for more information.

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